First thing that happened was a really nice nurse came and took us back, and gave me a reassuring rub on the back that everything was going to be ok. She let us pick our spot, so we chose a chair facing the windows and on the end (my husband has this thing with being next to people he doesn't know so we always pick the end no matter what). While we waited, I decided to cash in on the free lunch that was provided that day by the Acropolis. I had never eaten there so figured why not. Man it was good! Evidently several area restaurants provide lunch on any given day, including Chic-Fil-A. Oh man. That's my absolute favorite so surely I will be lucky enough to get a free lunch out of them one day. Anyway, it wasn't long after I finished lunch that the nurse had all of my stuff ready to go.
Before they put all this in me, they pushed through steroids and nausea meds, one of which was Ativan. Made me goofy and tired. Jeremy laughed at me quite a bit before I fell asleep. At least I could humor him :). The whole things took about 3.5 hours. This was what Jeremy did to pass the time...
I forgot to mention that the Chemo Buddies that walk around are so kind. And since it was my first time, they brought me a bag full of goodies and things I will need. And, they let pick from a quilt that was handmade from the inmates at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility or a pretty pink blanket made by a 15 year old girl who saved up her birthday money to make blankets for chemo patients. How sweet is this kid?? I didn't hesitate to choose the quilt made by inmates. I actually have a guy on probation who participated in this program when he was incarcerated at Wabash. He told me all about the program and how he had never sewn a day in his life before then. He explained to me how this program really opened his eyes and how he was so happy to be able to help someone in need. To be able to pay it forward so to speak. So, when I found out I might possibly be given one of these quilts, I knew I had to have one.
After treatment, we had to go strait to Emily's Spell Bowl competition. They came in 1st in there division. So proud of her. She is so smart and excels at everything she does. Great kid. I was too tired to stay for the awards so we went home. I pretty much fell asleep immediately (7:30). But, before I could fall asleep, Reagan gave me a bag with 48 handmade cards from the entire first grade class at North Elementary. Let me just say that these made my heart melt. And some made me cry. Kids are so dang amazing. Here is just a sample of what I received. I hope they make you smile too!So, that wraps up my first chemo treatment. Only 11 more to go!!! Now we just wait and see how my body reacts. Today so far I don't feel great but it could be worse. I'm more tired than anything. Good news is it's Friday and a good friend is bringing us pizza from the Yellow Tavern for dinner!! Yay for that!!
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