Friday, December 27, 2013

Friday Funnies...Let's Laugh!!!!

I guess after having a really bad week where you don't laugh much, everything is hilarious.  At least, that's my theory.  Laughing is great and I have done ALOT of that today, which means today has been a GREAT DAY!!!  So, in honor of laughing, I'm dedicating this post to just that...laughing.  You may or may not find any of this funny or entertaining, and I feel sorry for you if that's the case (because I find it all hilarious).  I also apologize in advance if you find any of this offensive.  If you do, just hit the red X in the top right corner of this post.  I don't care.  I will still find it all funny regardless.  Some of you may be surprised at my sense of humor.  Others will be like "Yep, that's my girl!"  Anyway, here's to laughter!!!!   

OK.  Enough Christmas laughter.  Lets move on.
(we all know that didn't really happen!!)


OK.  Here is where it may start getting a little the X now if you don't think you can handle it!!!

(make this photo bigger and read the graph at the bottom.  totally agree)
I guarantee this book his hilarious

Seriously.  Think about it.
It's true!!