Friday, December 20, 2013

Little Men With Axes

I have a friend that is hilarious.  It's really the only reason I keep him around.  That and he is super positive all the time.  And he told me that when he thinks about my chemo, he likes to think that the chemo is actually little men with axes being pumped into by blood.  And those little men chop the cancer cells with axes.  Chop the crap out of it.  So now I picture these little men as oompa-loompas.  With axes of course.  And they may or may not sing in my thought process.

My BFF Mandy went with me to chemo today.  I warned her that it would be boring and she would have nothing to do for at least three hours.  Her response?  "Bring it."  So she went with me.  Let me just say that she is the most amazing person ever.  So lucky to have a friend like her.  Seriously.  She didn't have too, but she gave me a pedicure during my treatment!!!!! 


She is pretty amazing.  She even went and picked me up...wait for it...Chic Fil A!!!!!  This poor girl.  I warned her that once they give me Ativan I get a little, well, DRUNK.  She laughed.  Made fun of me.  I didn't care.  I laughed back.  That stuff will make you absolutely goofy as hell. (or maybe its just me). Whoever brings me to chemo the next 9 times is going to have to try super hard to beat this chick on the awesome friend scale!!!
 Looks excited, right??   I warned her. 

During the chemo selfie I got photo bombed!!!
Getting the chemotherapy treatment is relatively easy.  No major drama there.  Did blood work, saw Dr. Stephens, who by the way, was very pleased at the fact that you can BARELY fell the lymph nodes in my neck.  He said, "I know you described your first treatment as "IT SUCKED" and you are right it does.  But its working.  The next five months of your life are going to be hard road."  That is so very exciting to hear!!!!  It seems to be working!!!  But on the other hand, I feel like poo for two whole weeks a month.  But really what choice do I have?  It's either kill the cancer or let the cancer kill me.  No brainer.  So I will keep on trucking along. 

I forgot to mention when I originally posted this that my nurse came over to give us these to go along with our mini spa day.  They were delicious!

A little bit later another nurse came over and said "You look awful young to be in here.  Did they card you?"  If I were at a bar, I would have delighted in that question.  Being asked that at chemo sort of had the opposite affect.  I wanted to say, "As if I hadn't already realized that or thought of that a thousand times?"  I know she was just trying to joke around so I just smiled and played along.  Then she handed me this gift.  I love it!!  

I got tired pretty darn fast.  About to fall asleep as I type this.  Oh, and as soon as I got home, I broke out in a hivey rash.  That happens every time but usually takes a day or two.  This time it took about an hour.  Geez.  Took Benedryl though and it cleared that up.  And I didn't get my new batch of steroids to take at home.  Not sure what I'm going to be able to do about that.  Supposed to take them for four days after chemo.  FANTASTIC. 
New nausea meds too.  Hopefully they help and don't knock me out.  Did I mention I feel drunk and tired??   Well, I do.  I need to go to bed before I say something else stupid.  Stupid is the proper way to define me right now.  My thoughts are random and when I try to ask a question it doesn't come out right and evidently you can 't understand me either.  Jeremy just stares at me like I'm a complete jackass and then starts laughing.   Oh the joys of marriage!  hahahaha
I forgot to mention in my original post something I had written down then forgot to look at my notes before I posted this.  Someone told me early this week that I look better now than before I started treatment.  For a split second I was kind of offended by that, then I quickly realized that this was a great thing.  To me, this means that the cancer was getting to me not just inside but outside as well.  But now, now that those little men with axes have started doing their thing and chopping up the cancer, I'm getting better.  Both inside and outside.  So that's good!! 
Geez I'm tired!  This blog post is now officially over.






  1. Omg Michelle! ! I love you!! You are so amazeing!! You so remind me of myself and girl. will kick cancers ass!! I'm so proud of you and your amaze ing attitude!! Keep up the good fight and remind are a winner..not a whiner!!! Or a weener..;)

  2. Well thanks Danni!!! I do my best to channel your strength as well as Megan's on a daily basis. You have given me some wonderful advice on how to handle all this and it has worked. I sure do feel like a whiner most days. But I try like hell to portray positive vibes to others. I love you back!
