Saturday, February 1, 2014

I Think I Can Actually Do This!!!!


Chemo #6 is in the books!!!  Halfway!  This is good.  This is really good.  Everyone is like "Hey this is great!  You are halfway done!"  And while I am happy about this fact, my mind immediately goes to "But that means I still have to do this chemo crap SIX MORE TIMES!!!!!!"  But the positive thought I was able to pull out of my suppressed positive thought library was this:  I have completed six treatments.  Therefore, I know I can complete six more, because I have already completed that many once.  I just have to complete that many twice!!
Speaking of Chemo #6, this beauty took me yesterday
This is Holly.  Holly is amazing.  I kind of like her a whole lot!
Mostly, we talked.  We talk a lot but never get the time to talk as much as we want too.  So this four hour journey solved that problem.  But, we also did this:
She beat me twice.  So I decided to quit.  Quitters never win but I wasn't winning anyway so it didn't really matter. 
I have received lots of gifts again this last few days.  It's overwhelming and amazing still three months later.  You would think by now I would be used to it and would know what to say but I don't.  I received several messages of encouragement this week from people I hadn't heard from in forever.  And I also received a few "thinking of you today" messages yesterday from a few close friends.  Earlier this week my friend and Michele Boyster stopped by my office and dropped off an awesome gift that included a tshirt and a coffe mug with different flavored tea's.  My cousin Kristin mailed me a note with some wonderful things included.  An old friend sent me a very amazing letter (yes, I cried) with chapstick.  And, I forgot to mention, my friend and co-worker Shawnna gave me a workout DVD to try that doesn't raise your heartrate; it also included some weird socks she says I have to wear when I do it (sorry Shawnna.  I forgot to put it in my blog.  And sorry because I haven't done it yet.  But I will.  And will blog about it when I do.)
My family and friends continue to help us out anyway they can with the girls and with food and such.  It's just really been a amazing. 
Now, I have to get ready for Emily's basketball game.  I just figured I would do a quick blog while I was home alone and could complete a thought and a sentence without fifteen interruptions.  Today is a normal Saturday after chemo.  And I'm doing normal.  But life must go on so I will just carry on as usual.  SuperBowl is tomorrow.  Cancer isn't going to keep me from hanging out with friends and watching that for sure!!!!

1 comment:

  1. And Joy you shall have! God be with you as you continue your journey.
